New students begin their relationship with Innovations Academy through an initial intake or “orientation” meeting.  The student will meet with the principal and members of the school team to hear about our universal behavioral expectations and PBIS program, school guidelines and rules, and the schedule including transition, lunch, art, music, and physical education guidelines.

Each student’s support team (teacher, school therapist, student and principal) will discuss the student’s triggers, warning signs, coping skills, medications, etc., in order to most appropriately develop a successful behavior plan. This meeting and the therapist completion of the student psychosocial document begins our relationship with the student, parent/guardians, and home school district and an integral agreement to address the following outcome areas:

3rd through 8th grade Program

  • Increasing student time and participation in class
  • Increasing levels of transitional reintegration for students to their home public school, community, and further secondary school opportunities
  • Decreasing student incidents of aggression towards oneself or others
  • Increasing levels of academic achievement, specifically mathematic and reading skills
  • Increasing overall Family and Community Involvement

High School and Vocational Education Program

  • Increasing student attendance and overall program participation
  • Increasing student awareness of successful job and social skills for integration into one’s community
  • Increasing the awareness of community and business members of the unique abilities and needs of Innovations Academy students
  • Creating positive student-community relationships through community outings and volunteer opportunities

The above outcomes will be assessed through the collection of daily behavioral, crisis intervention and debriefing data, the student transitional portfolio inventories, assessments and documentation including but not limited to Kuder® Career Inventories, and weekly performance evaluation of student employee with participating community partners.  MAPs testing will also be used as components of overall student assessment. In addition, data collected through our PCMA scanner system will be presented and used to make programmatic and intervention evaluations and modifications for future student success.