3rd through 8th Grade Program
School begins promptly at 8:30 a.m. and concludes at 2:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Daily attendance within the Innovations Academy’s 3rd through 8th grade program is very important. A significant number of unexcused absences will jeopardize placement. If a student is going to be absent from school, a parent or legal guardian is to call the school office before the school day begins to inform the school of their son or daughter’s absence. Absent students who are not called in before the school day begins will be recorded as unexcused. The school office is open from 7:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. The office phone number is (630) 540-3900. Messages may be left on voice mail when the office is closed.
Excused Absences or Tardiness
- Court dates
- Death in the family
- Doctor’s appointment
- Hospitalization
- Illness (If absent 3 days you must have a doctor’s note stating the nature of the illness, and the date on which the student may return to school)
- Vacation (Only if a student vacation request form has been submitted and approved prior to the vacation)
- Criminal Detention (depending on the school district policy)
Unexcused Absences or Tardiness
- Missed bus
- No phone call from parent or guardian before 8:30 am
- Overslept
- School refusal
An unexcused absence can only be changed if a physician’s note is brought to school.
Academic Program
All classrooms are self-contained and are taught with a specialized schedule to meet the needs of their students. The curriculum is focused on practical applications to academic subjects, and utilizes frequent community trips to apply knowledge learned in class. In addition, the academic program of each student is implemented in coordination with the academic requirements of each student’s home district.
Report Cards
Report cards are issued four (4) times during the regular school year (November, January, April and June) and once (1) during the summer program (August). All report cards are to be signed by a parent/legal guardian. Copies of signed report cards are sent to the school districts and home schools at the end of each semester (January and June). The school districts will then transfer grades into credits on official transcripts.
Therapeutic Program
Each student receives 60 minutes of individual, group and crisis therapy as part of the therapeutic program.
For the 3rd through 8th grade student, a variety of clinical modalities are used to promote individual growth, addressing impairments that may impede healthy functions and improving overall academic success. In addition to teaching students coping skills, the following therapies are frequently used with this age group:
- behavioral therapy
- cognitive-behavioral
- dialectical behavior therapy
- play therapy
- coping skills
The overall goal of the therapeutic program is to instill in each student a positive-peer environment that is welcoming and supportive. Students are encouraged to assist each other in making correct decisions and taking positive steps towards calm and collaborative problem solving.
For students with impairments on the Autistic Spectrum, the behavioral analyst works closely with the therapist to asses, evaluate and then development a daily schedule to address the current functioning of the student. Through the use of regular data collection the student’s skill set is re-evaluated for current gains and new skills to be introduced and practiced.
Dress Code
All Innovations Academy students are required to dress appropriately for school each day. Innovations Academy staff will make the final decision on the appropriateness of any article of clothing or footwear.
- All students are to refrain from wearing any clothing, jewelry, buttons, or any other items with words, phrases, symbols, drawings, or pictures pertaining to drugs, alcohol, street gangs, sexual activity, or profanity. Gang-related colors, attire, and paraphernalia are also not allowed. All students are to refrain from wearing hats, bandannas, (tied in the front), do-rags, hoodies, sunglasses,(indoors), or any other head coverings while in the building unless it is required for programmatic safety.
- Students are permitted to wear jewelry to school, but the school is not responsible for injury or damage resulting from the wearing of jewelry.
- All footwear must be appropriate, comfortable and protective. Spiked high heels are not allowed. Snow boots may be worn to school during bad weather conditions; however, they must be placed in the classroom closet or school storage room upon arrival and replaced with appropriate footwear for the school day. Shoes worn to school must be appropriate for physical education, or the student will receive a failing grade for that day.
- Shirts must cover the student’s entire torso and midriff. See-through, fishnet or excessively tight clothing is not allowed.
- Pants must be worn at the waist. Students will be allowed to change to shorts for physical education if they desire.
- Clothing must be in good repair: no significant rips or tears, no safety pins.
- Any clothing that exposes parts of a student’s body, undergarments, or in any other way is deemed inappropriate will not be allowed.
- Students who arrive wearing inappropriate clothing will be asked to remove it, turn the inappropriate attire inside-out, or wear a plain tee-shirt over their clothing, whichever is most appropriate. Alternatively, parents may bring the student a change of clothing. If a student refuses to comply, parents will be asked to take the student home for the remainder of the school day.