Dear Parents, Students, Staff, School districts and Transportation teams:

Innovations Academy will be making up the Emergency/ No School/ Snow day on Friday, January 18, 2019. As many of you remember, Innovations Academy had to close its doors due to the winter storm that occurred on Monday, November 26, 2018. Due to that No School attendance day because of the weather, Innovations Academy will be in session on Friday, January 18, 2019. Please disregard the school calendar that indicates January 18th being a non-attendance day for students due to the staff development day. We will be using January 18th as a regular full day of school for all students from 8:30am to 2:30pm as our make-up day for the Snow day that occurred a few weeks ago on November 26th 2018. Thank you and I greatly appreciate your understanding. Wishing you a great rest of the week and year. Feel free to contact the school with questions.

Innovations Academy Therapeutic Day School has surpassed the halfway point of the 2018-2019 school year, and we want to thank our student, parents and school districts for your support. The winter season started a bit earlier than usual with our first snow day in November and, since, the risk for inclement weather has increased. There may be times when the inclement weather may cause Innovations Academy to close school, delay start times, or dismiss early. In the event of one of these weather-related schedule changes, we will make every effort to communicate our decision in a timely manner so that our families, staff, and students can prepare. The usual factors that result in the closing of schools are:

  • A severe wind-chill factor;
  • A heavy snowfall during the night;
  • Other severe or hazardous conditions.

Forecast temperatures/wind chills between -20 and -30 degrees create significant risks including hypothermia, frostbite, and even asthma. Innovations Academy may close if the projected temperatures are forecasted at these low levels. Please note, decisions on weather-related schedule changes are made after careful consideration. The Director of Education consults with the Principal and external partners in the community prior to a decision made:

  • City of Streamwood and Elgin (road conditions)
  • School District U-46 and other local school districts
  • National Weather Service (weather updates)

As soon as the decision is made, the principal will share the information through multiple channels of communication.

We will make every effort to make a decision by 5:30 a.m. and communicate our decision by 6:00 a.m. There may be some occasions when it will not be possible to make these time frames as the weather can change unexpectedly. There also may be times when Innovations Academy will be able to make decisions the day before so that parents, staff members, and students know what will happen the following day. In any event, we will make our best effort to communicate in a timely manner.

As 2018 ends, I would like to wish everyone a happy holiday season. I am looking forward to the start of 2019, which will bring significant opportunities for students, staff and our community. Thank you again for all you do, and may the Holiday Season ahead be peaceful and enjoyable.


Dr. Ariel Correa